Det internasjonale kunstkritikerforbundet AICA (International Association of Art Critics) ble opprettet i 1949 og har i ca 70 land. Hovedkontoret ligger i Paris. Kunstseksjonens medlemmer kan søke medlemskap i AICA Norway, ta kontakt med Kritikerlagets sekretariat. Medlemskapet koster for tiden kr 340 per år. AICA-kortet gir gratis eller sterkt rabattert inngang til de fleste kunstmuseer, gallerier og messer verden over. Hvert år arrangerer AICA årlige symposier i et medlemsland der aktuelle, praktiske og teoretiske temaer i samtidskunsten tas opp.
Adress : AICA, 32 rue Yves Toudic, 75010 Paris, Frankrike
tel : +33(0)1 47 70 17 42
mob : +33(0)6 11 16 60 91
fax : +33(0)1 47 70 17 81
e-post :
The objectives of AICA
The main objectives of AICA have change little over the years. However, they were redefined in November 2003, to emphasise further the global reach of the Association, its cross-cultural ambitions and its interdisciplinary approach. As currently stated, AICA’s main objectives are :
- to promote art criticism as a discipline and contribute to its methodology
- to protect the ethical and professionnal interests of its Members and co-operate in defending their rights
- to maintain an active international network for its Members, with the aid of available technologies and encouragement of face-to-face encounters
- to contribute to mutual understanding of visual arts and aesthetics in all cultures
- to stimulate professional relationship across political, geographical, ethnic, economic and religious boundaries
- to defend impartially freedom of expression and thought and oppose arbitrary censorship.
Qualifications for Membership of AICA
Candidates are elected by theirs peers, by secret ballot. To be eligible, they must produce evidence of sustained activity over the previous three years, in one or more of the following areas :
- Daily/periodical press, or broadcasting on radio, Tv or video, or in the electronic media
- Publication of works of art history, aesthetics or criticism
- Teaching of art criticism, art history, aesthetics, curating, or art, at higher or tertiary level
- Curatorial work and analysis for educational or scholarly ens, including the production of schorlarly or crtitical texts for museums or galleries, whose principal aim is not essentially commercial.